Monday 5 May 2008

Cia's Cookies : a Tribute to My Family

I'm happy to announce that starting May 1, 2008, my kitchen is officially named Cia's Cookies!

Thanks to my very supportive husband, who happily helped me develop the logo (and printed and cut them, too) and the helping 'stir mama, stir!' hands of Cia who always wants to join me during the 'bikin-bikin kue' time, and the understanding mind of Nico ('nanti dulu mama lagi repot!') who patiently waited by his chair and tv, now Cia's Cookies is taking order. (and also thanks Lasmi for helping me clean up the messy kitchen!)

These all started a few weeks ago as Onin, a long time friend, tried my cookies from Cia's birthday. Apparently her kids loved them that she requested me to bake some lollipop cookies as a gift for her sister in law who was due to give birth to a baby girl soon.

Full story on the next post.

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