Tuesday 22 April 2008

Cia's Birthday Cookies

Pictures by Indigosix Photography (friendster: indigosix photography).

Cia, these were for your 3rd birthday party goodie bag @ school last Wednesday.
You said the cookies were pretty and 'enyaaak!' so hope your friends love them, too!
Thanks Angelia n friends who make these cookies look like real treasures!

The not so pro photo, the goodies packed and ready to be given away the next morning...

The whole fifty pieces of them!


cingcing.blogspot.com said...

Aduh Cin...brp lama tuh ngehias satu kukis? Bagus banget ..cocok tuh utk tea party ...so detail, rapih lagi..kyk bikin prakarya aza.

Tuh pan loe teh punya bakat art yg terpendam. Ga copy kiri kanan kyk gua..hi..hi..hi.

chikieboo said...

cin, pas gw liat keseluruhannya bagus banget, gw dapet satu biji aja udah kagum bener, cookies enak, wangi butternya (ketauan maminya yg sikat ;) )& packingnya rapih & bikin ngiler deh ngeliatnya aja, dan yg surprised loe bikin sendiri lagi:)